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Hotel Burgau - Quarta-feira.../ Wednesday...

... estamos a estacionar, ou melhor, a tentar estacionar, no mercado em Lagos. Sim! Porque todas as quartas, temos que comprar peixe, legumes fresquinhos da horta e do mar!...

Bom, depois de várias voltas avenida acima, avenida abaixo (algarviamente falando), parece haver alguém a sair. Aparentando ser estrangeiros pergunto: - "Are you going out?" Ele, continuando com o nariz dentro da bagageira do carro, e sem se voltar, responde: - "No!" Pergunto em francês: - "Vous parlez français... sort??" Responde ele, em resmunguice: -"We are from Luxembourg." A minha companhia, que estava no lado do passageiro, e sendo inglês, comentou em tom de brincadeira: -"I think you're glad for being from Luxembourg instead of France" (é melhor ser do Luxemburgo do que ser francês... E ele responde: -"What about you? You're not from here..." (e você? Também não é daqui...)... -"Yeah, I'm here in work but also I like the clima and other things" (Sim, estou aqui em trabalho e também gosto do clima, entre outras coisas)... E o discurso machista de posicionamento continuou por mais uns dois minutos (xxxxxxxxx)....

...we are parking, trying to park, at the market in Lagos. Yes! Because every wednesday's we have to do some shopping!

After several attempts for parking, driving up and down the avenue... It looks like someone is going out.. So we ask him: -"Are you going out?" And him, without taking the nose from the buut of the car: -"No!" (mumble)

So, I ask him in french if he was parking and if he was french... mumbling again, he answer: -"No... I'm from Luxembourg..." So, my partner, which was still seated in the car commented: -"I think you're glad for being from Luxembourg instead of France". And he answers:"What about you? You're not from here...". -"Yeah, I'm here in work but also I like the clima and other things." And the "macho context" continued for another couple of minutes (xxxxxxxx)...

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